Sep 15, 2014

Quote of the day

"When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees."
-Joseph Joubert
If you go out looking for something sweet, the path to find that sweetness may be a little bit thorny. Life will throw some challenges at you. It will put obstacles in your path to test you and try you until it finally lets you have the prize. In this life, we must work for the things we want or need. We aren't going to simply be handed everything on a silver platter whenever we need it. We have to spend time, effort, resources, and other things along those lines. We may run into obstacles, road blocks, and dead ends. But when we get to the honey at the end, the bee stings don't even hurt that much. Completing a goal and receiving a well-earned award makes the pain of your travels seem to simply disappear.

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