Sep 25, 2014

Daily Quote

“… and then I sat and watched the sky blush at the moon, turning all different shades from lemon drop and tangerine to silky blue and powdery purple, and I thought to myself: nature’s beauty amazes me.”
I loved this quote when I saw it, because I looked out of my own window and saw the same thing. The image above is my view from my window. It's amazing how many colors you can see in this picture. Yellow, a little bit of orange, some pink, purple, blue, and a bunch of colors that are somewhere in between. Nature is so amazing. It's so wonderful and mysterious, filled with new secrets at every corner. It seems that, every time I do a nature quote, I say to go and look at a leaf or flower closely, and what you will see is quite amazing. Seriously, though, the intricate detail of just about everything you find in nature is incredible.  Nature is so amazing. I'm hardly ever disappointed when I look closer at something in search of something so carefully and yet so perplexingly ornate.

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