Feb 7, 2014

Quote of the day

"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."
It is a great skill to be able to be flexible. You won't be bent out of shape that way! Some people who are not as flexible can't accept last minute changes (or sometimes, any changes at all) and they get all bent out of shape. They get angry or sad or emotional in some way. Others have the amazing and difficult skill of being able to just roll with it. If they are thrown a curveball, they will still hit a home run. So just try to take change well. People love it when people are flexible. Be careful, though, because sometimes people take advantage of other peoples' flexibility and make random changes whenever and don't even tell you knowing you will take it easily. The main thing is to not do that to others. It may happen... But just be flexible about it! You can always talk to that person if they begin doing it and you would like them not to.

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