Be happy with everything you have, because getting more things won't make you any happier. Getting more will simply make you happy for a short time before you want more again. Seek joy in life, because happiness and joy actually aren't the same thing. Happy is only temporary. Joy is everlasting. Joy is so much stronger. So seek joy in everything you do and say. Speaking of, be happy with the person you are. Don't think you are lesser than someone because you aren't as stylish as them, or you aren't as tall, short, pretty, popular, or anything else as them. That doesn't matter. Be happy with the person you are. Be generous with both of those blessings. Money is only paper, and be happy with it (it falls under the category of being happy with everything you have). Share that gift with those in need. Money is only paper, like I said, but it can do so much and change so many lives for good or bad. So put it towards a good use-- others in need. Also put other possessions towards others; for example: clothing drives, book drives, any other drives, etc. Give away your own personality too. Use your unique talents to make someone's day special. Do all of this, and you won't have to search the internet for "how to be happy in life" or "how to be happy alone" or simply "how to be happy" anymore.
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