Apr 28, 2014

Quote of the day

"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
In every desert is an oasis, it just might be dozens of miles away. Keep your eyes peeled and don't give up. Wander as far as you have to to reach your goal, and while you journey, keep an eye out for the extraordinary. Everything's extraordinary if you look at it long enough and really think about it. People can sometimes seem like deserts. Hot-tempered, dry, empty, unforgiving. They seem like, no matter how far into them you go, you will never find a drop of water. But within every desert there is a well, and that's what makes them beautiful. Within all of your enemies is love, and that's what makes humankind beautiful. Everyone is capable of love and compassion, somewhere deep in their hearts. Before you hate someone, get to know them first. Explore deep and find that love, and once you find your shimmering oasis, learn how to get to it every time. Not only can you make friends with your enemies, but you can help them eventually create a fertile forest out of their dry desert.

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