"Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday."
-John Wayne
In the future, you will probably do something different than what you did yesterday. Yesterday, you probably made some mistakes. Yesterday, you hopefully learned from those mistakes. Tomorrow, you will apply it. Tomorrow hopes that you did learn from your mistakes, because you will apply what you got out of the situation one way or another. Either you will do it again and make the same bad choice, or you will change your way and do it right the next time around. Learn from your mistakes so you can do better and be better the next time you are in the same situation. Keep making new mistakes though, so you can continue learning new skills for yourself. It is one thing to be told not to do something, but once you do it and experience the consequences for yourself, you will have a more personal connection to why you think you shouldn't do it. You will also be more likely to not do it again in the future. There are some things, though, you should just trust everyone else when they say not to do it. Things that can get you addicted or things that can kill you or both are things you shouldn't experience for yourself first to judge them. Trust others on that one. But most other (safer) things are good to discover for yourself, not purposefully though, and learn from. Take as much advice as you can from others and listen to it, but if you run across a new struggle, simply experience it and learn how to deal with it. Tomorrow, you will be smarter about it, and you will know how to prevent or stop it all together. The main point is, learn from your mistakes. It is ok to have a mistake, because the only mistake there would be is if you fail to learn from it.
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