"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
-Winston Churchill
This quote says that those who are negative can only see the hardships in an opportunity, as one who is positive sees the opportunity in a difficulty. An example would be if a pessimist had the opportunity of being a hero if he completes a task, he would only see the bad things that could happen to him on the quest. The trip will be uncomfortable and long; the dragon will be difficult to slay; the weather will be too hot or too cold. The troubles will be endless. Complaining like this is not a very good way of thinking. An optimist, on the other hand, will take a difficulty and make something good out of it. They will take that long trip and see it as each step is closer to the goal. Once they pass the dragon, only the bright future lays ahead of them. Finally, the troubles with the weather will only give him more determination to succeed. This is how you want to be.
See the good in the bad, not the other way around.
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