If you're enjoying life, you must have done something right. True, genuine, happiness is exceedingly difficult to come by these days, so if you are enjoying your life you must be quite successful in some way or another. You most certainly aren't a failure if you're enjoying your life.
Dec 26, 2014
Dec 25, 2014
Quote of the day
"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
When it comes to life, you really can't learn something for yourself until you do it. Try, try, try, and the more you fail the more you learn. That is, if you choose to learn from it. The more you try things the more you can learn, the more you learn the more street smarts you have! Life is a big experiment, so go ahead and test it out!
Dec 24, 2014
Quote of the day
"If you wished to be loved, love."
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
It's very hard for someone to love you if you aren't showing any love towards anyone or anything else. Around this holiday season, remember the story of Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. Nobody loved him because he showed absolutely zero love towards anyone else, not until he was shown his past, present, and future. Think about your future and what you want it to be. Remember that if you wish to be loved, you must love in return.
Dec 23, 2014
Daily Quote
"Love begins by taking care of the closest ones - the ones at home."
-Mother Teresa
Once I heard a story of a girl who wasn't very nice to her family. She was nice in public to everyone she knew, but once she got home she let out her rage on her family for no apparent reason. Her family was really sad for her, because they knew something she didn't seem to understand. Your family members are the people that will always be there for you no matter what happens to you. Your friends will come and go, your coworkers and colleagues will retire, but your family will be with you until either you die or they die. Since you will have them forever, it's the most important to be kind to them. No matter how many divorces and marriages happen, you only get one blood-family. Take care of them.
Dec 22, 2014
Daily Quote
Do you want joy? One of the best ways to seek it is to begin by thinking of those you love. When you are thinking about your loved ones, you are more likely to find joy. It's harder to find joy from an angry mindset, or even one that is simply busy. Allow happy and joyous thoughts into your mind and the joy will come a whole lot easier.
Dec 21, 2014
Quote of the day
Perfection isn't possible by our humanly forms. It simply doesn't exist for us. You can, however, try for perfection, and while you will never reach it you can catch along the way excellence. Working hard at something for a whole lot of time will make you better, and so if you are going for absolute perfection, the closest you can get is excellence which is almost as good. So try try try and you just might get almost what you're looking for!
Dec 20, 2014
Quote of the day
Life itself is sustained with the survival of the physical body. For humans, it's food, shelter, water, sleep, and those things. The basics. Whatever it takes to keep you alive and going. But the good life is what we care about-- your family and friends, the charities you like to serve, the ways you find happiness. Being happy always is the good life-- almost impossible to achieve, but it is possible to be happy most of the time. So go ahead and find what makes you happy, and be happy!
Dec 19, 2014
Daily Quote
Your life isn't determined by one single hope. It's a collection of hopes and dreams that are sometimes fulfilled, but sometimes not. Don't stay hooked to one single dream your entire life. It's ok to keep a dream with you your whole life, but have some others tagging along too. Would you moor a ship with one anchor? No, what if the anchor broke? What would happen to the ship? It would float away without much ability to be caught again. So keep more dreams in case something happens to your main one.
Dec 18, 2014
Daily Quote
"Only do what your heart tells you."
Princess Diana
This is just like that saying, "go with your gut, it's usually right" or "your first instincts are usually the best instincts." Do what your heart is telling you to do, as your heart knows what you want. Let your heart guide you and it will bring you the benefits you are looking for. A perfectly tuned human allows the heart and the mind to work together in perfect harmony, creating the happiness and joy that they are capable of creating. Follow your heart, it leads you to amazing places sometimes!
Dec 17, 2014
Quote of the day
"The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts."
-James Joyce
It's really not that hard to see what someone is thinking. If you can read their actions, you can usually tell how they feel. If their actions are rough, they might be angry. Even if they are trying to be normal, there's usually a twinge that helps you see what's actually going on. Hostility is a good tip for anger, unnatural quiet or meekness might be sad or loneliness. Passive aggressiveness could be jealousy or other hostile emotions. Watch someone's actions to find out what they might be thinking. It's the closest thing to mind reading we have!
Dec 16, 2014
Quote of the day
Smiling with people is one thing, but smiling when you are alone is something else. When you are with people, there's no telling whether someone's smile is real or if they're doing it to be polite. But when you are on your own, a smile is completely real because there's nobody influencing it to happen, it just happens. Maybe you saw something funny that made you smile. It must be genuinely funny, then! Smiling is such a wonderful thing. Hopefully your smiles are real whether you're with people or not. Although smiling to be polite is good in some situations too.
Dec 15, 2014
Daily Quote
"My boy, one small breeze doesn't make a wind storm."
-John McGraw
Don't make too big a deal of nothing. If it's just a small breeze, don't freak out and call it a wind storm. Just like the saying 'don't cry over spilled milk,' don't stress over something not worth your time. Choose your battles, because you might be invited to quite a few of them but some are more important than others. Don't let one small little breeze trick you into thinking you are amidst a wind storm.
Dec 14, 2014
Daily Quote
When I saw this picture, I couldn't help but smile. I love birds and snowy twigs like that, and the quote just made me feel so happy, and I'm not even sure why. Anyway, staying inside of the lines doesn't always cut it. Sometimes you have to jump outside the box, go against the flow, and go out on a limb. Why? Because often the fruit is there! Sometimes the twigs snap as you try to reach for the fruit, but the juiciest of the fruits are always out on limbs. So don't worry, and go for it! Sometimes you will succeed and sometimes you won't, but there's not too much harm in trying.
Dec 13, 2014
Quote of the day
"A great artist can paint a great picture on a small canvas."
-Charles Dudley Warner
You don't have to have a ton of everything to be great. You don't need to have the best clothes, the best house, the best of everything to be happy. As long as you make the best of what you have, you can be great. Just like an artist-- if given a small canvas, don't throw it away because you believe in the 'bigger is better' phrase. Make something wonderful out of that small canvas and maybe you will be given a bigger one in the future. Take life as it goes and make the best of it.
Dec 12, 2014
Quote of the day
"Nothing will work unless you do."
-Maya Angelou
Unfortunately, nothing happens when you sit around waiting. If you want something to happen, you need to make it happen yourself. If you don't work, then nothing will work! So if you really really want something to happen, the best thing to do is get up and do it. You may not want to, we often don't, but trust me, getting things done is something that is wonderful and special, and it feels amazing to get stuff done, too!
Dec 11, 2014
Daily Story
A farmer had a banana farm. It was his only means of livelihood. Vehicles were not common in that remote village. The farmer had six children. When the fruits were ready for sale, he used to call his sons and place one bunch of banana on the head of each son. But he used to judge the weight of the bunch with his hands before placing it on a child. The lightest bunch was placed on the youngest son and the heavier bunches on the elder children in the order of age and strength. The he would carry the heaviest bunch on his own head and lead the children to the market, sell the fruits and return together happily. This continued for several years.
A man has to endure a lot of trials, troubles and tribulations in his life. In moments of despair and depression we may ask God why we are constantly being exposed to suffering and pain.
God, our loving Father acts just like this father. He would place a load of difficulties on our heads, but would place just the proper load for each of us, what each of us can bear and carry without much discomfort. The burdens we receive in our life are the best suited for our life. God will reward us for our patient acceptance of His will.
Life is not a bed of roses but a path of thorns. God gives us burdens; and He also gives us shoulders! We are like tea bags. Our strength is revealed only when we get into hot water! Stumbling blocks and stepping stones differ only in the way we use them. Adversity is the best university.
A man has to endure a lot of trials, troubles and tribulations in his life. In moments of despair and depression we may ask God why we are constantly being exposed to suffering and pain.
God, our loving Father acts just like this father. He would place a load of difficulties on our heads, but would place just the proper load for each of us, what each of us can bear and carry without much discomfort. The burdens we receive in our life are the best suited for our life. God will reward us for our patient acceptance of His will.
Life is not a bed of roses but a path of thorns. God gives us burdens; and He also gives us shoulders! We are like tea bags. Our strength is revealed only when we get into hot water! Stumbling blocks and stepping stones differ only in the way we use them. Adversity is the best university.
Dec 10, 2014
Daily Quote
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."
-Vincent Van Gogh
It's really difficult to do something big and great all in one sitting. Big things don't just appear! For example-- all of the greatest wars and greatest events in history didn't just be thought up on a whim and carried out the same day. That's just not how it happens! And Martin Luther King Jr's racial discrimination protesting didn't happen in one day. The fight went on and on and on until finally the case was won, which even happened after he died. The point is, not often do really big or really great things happen with one action. These great things are made up of a series of small things that were all brought together to make that great thing great.
Dec 9, 2014
Quote of the day
"Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do."
-Michel de Montaigne
Human development is great. Really, advancement is quite amazing. But sometimes we just need to set some of mother nature's work aside so that mother nature can take care of it. She knows herself much better than we do. This topic is somewhat sensitive to some people more than others, as some people care deeply about our environment and some care deeply about our progress as humans. I feel comfortable doing this post because I believe both things. I personally believe that we should be careful with our environment and try to preserve it, stop global warming, recycle, be environmentally aware, conserve precious resources, and all of those things, because this is our world. We only have one world and it doesn't belong only to your generation. Think about it! Your elders, You, your kids, your grandkids, your great grandkids, your great great grandkids, on and on, etc. are going to live on the same earth until it ends. Don't you want the best for them? Studies have said lots of things, and the future looks scary. Honestly, I feel bad for our distantly futuristic relatives. But on the flip side, just look. Look how far we as humans have come! It's amazing what we've accomplished and what we are to accomplish. If you live inside a bubble where you just accept that everything was there and it's all good and everything is ok and the food you eat and the furniture you sit on is just there, life seems even better. If you're thinking environmentally you probably stress over what the factory making of the items did to the environment. But if not, if you live in that comfortable bubble, you can appreciate even more our advancements. It really is quite amazing and incredible what we've built and set up for ourselves. But back to the environment for one more closing thought-- even in our world of achievement and power, it's important to let mother nature do what she needs to do with herself, and it's even more important to do our parts to give her enough space to let her do this. You might have completely different opinions on this topic, but that was my opinion. Think of this what you want, just remember that nature knows itself better than we do.
Dec 8, 2014
Quote of the day
A good head and a good heart-- two things we look for in a person. Kindness is truly a unique gift, hence the good heart, and a good head is great too. You don't want to be hanging around some drug junky with crazy ideas that could be hazardous. So a good head and a good heart is always a formidable combination. Usually one with these two things has some kind of power because likely they're respected. If you're looking for a leader, look for someone with a good head and a good heart. Good head with good ideas for good, and good heart to share the joy with those around.
Dec 7, 2014
Daily Quote
Never overlook the obvious. Sometimes, your big opportunity to fulfill your life's dream is right there in front of you, and has been the whole time! Right here, right now, you may be in the presence of something life changing. In fact, you are always in the presence of something that could change your life for good or bad. For example, I'm sitting at my desk and looking at a candle. That candle could change my life if I wanted it to-- I could make it burn the house down, I could make it burn all of my hair off, I could make it burn my clothes or my skin. I'm in the presence of something that could seriously alter my life and the lives of others around me. Of course I wouldn't ever actually do any of those things with a candle, not on purpose anyway. But another example of something I'm near right now that could change my life is my phone. There is so much that you can do on a phone so I'm sure it could drastically change your life. The point is, right where you are now might have something that can change your life-- it might have your big opportunity! So be attentive and never overlook the obvious!
Dec 6, 2014
Daily Quote
"Gray skies are just clouds passing over."
-Duke Ellington
Gray skies in your life aren't permanent. They're just some clouds passing overhead! It will clear and reveal the sun eventually, whether it takes minutes, hours, days, or even weeks. Sometimes in the case of some people, it might take months or years. But just remember that in this holiday season filled with joy, find happiness in your loved ones and they grey clouds will just go away.
Dec 5, 2014
Quote of the day
"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
-Muhammad Ali
If you haven't learned the meaning of friendship you haven't learned anything, because without your friends you will be alone. Nobody to help you, nobody to make you smile. And nobody for you to do the same for. Friendship can't be taught in a classroom, it has to be figured out for yourself. So make sure to understand the meaning of friendship and friends, because they're really important to life.
Dec 4, 2014
Quote of the day
Everyone is always thinking: how can I change the world? What can I do to leave my mark and become well known for it? Well, perhaps the more important question is how can you change yourself? Nobody remembers that this is an option-- you can change yourself! Improving even one person is improving the world, which is what you wanted, right? So start with yourself. Rid of the things you don't want to keep doing, and start doing the things you do want to be doing! Change yourself for the better, and even though it might not be dramatically changing the entire world, but one person at a time you can. So start with yourself!
Dec 3, 2014
Daily Quote
If things seem awful right now, keep your head up because it won't last forever. That's guaranteed. Life goes on, and so do your problems. They might last for a while, sure, but not forever. People move on, things change. So don't worry! Just push through and know that, no matter how hard it is and how much it might hurt right now, in the future the sun will once again shine. Spring will come after a long long winter. Your life is going to be ok!
Dec 2, 2014
Daily Quote
The eyes are powerful. They can tell someone something without even speaking a word. Looking into someone's eyes you can often get a feel for how they feel at that moment. It's almost like you can read someone's eyes. You can just tell if the eyes are sad, happy, angry, fearful, shocked, and many many more! Animals can do the same thing. You can tell if a cat is looking at you lovingly because you are petting it and it likes it, or you can tell if the cat is looking at you angrily because cats seem to look down on humans. You can tell if a dog is looking at you with love because they often do, or you can tell if a dog is looking at you with hunger because dogs, or at least the ones I've had experience with, are quite often hungry. The language communicated with the eyes is unlike any other, and it's such an amazing thing.
Dec 1, 2014
Quote of the day
Sometimes, looking back at the past is wonderful. You can look back at all of the things you've done well or are proud of, all of the moments that you will cherish for a really long time. But sometimes looking back can be painful. The things you wish you didn't do, or are simply embarrassed that you did. There will always be good things as well as bad, so just keep your head up and stay positive. Look over your shoulder-- and be ready for whatever you see. Sometimes it's a sign telling you that there is room for improvement, so take it!
Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you got the opportunity to spend it with your loved ones this holiday season! I was spending the past week with my family, so I'm sorry that I wasn't able to blog. I'm back now, and I once again have access to computers.
Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you got the opportunity to spend it with your loved ones this holiday season! I was spending the past week with my family, so I'm sorry that I wasn't able to blog. I'm back now, and I once again have access to computers.
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