I feel like I've done this quote before. Either way, it's a great one. Everyone is always trying to be who they want to be. Everyone is trying to be perfect. Some people are more confident in their uniqueness than others, but some people shrink back and try to be exactly like the people they observe. For example, If someone loved the way someone always does a hand motion when they say something in a funny voice, and tried to make that "their thing" also, they're trying to be that other person! I'm not saying this is bad if you do it once or twice. We are people and we share our ideas with everyone wether we like it or not. But there are some things that people just need to figure out for themselves versus relying on others to come up with something that they can do. Everyone's unique! Embrace the uniqueness, and don't try to mask it! It's there so that you can contribute something completely different to the world than everyone else. You are unique! So is everyone else! So in that way, we are all the same. But we are all so very completely different. Don't ever deny yourself your uniqueness.
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