Alone we are weak, together we are strong. We were all taught that working together is a great thing that we should all learn to do, and that together we can get the job done. It's true! It's so much easier to do things together than it is to do them alone. Working alone you can get the job done, but it will take longer and all the effort is placed onto your back. But with a group or team, the work can be divided up so that everyone does a smaller piece of it. Or, if you can't do that, everyone can contribute ideas to one section at a time so that everyone is working on the same thing together. Even this way it goes fast. But alone we can't do everything. There are some thing that can ONLY be done with other people, so it is important to learn to work in groups. I've never been that great at working in groups, but working in groups made the projects we worked on so much easier. Well, if everyone does there share! Sometimes people don't do their share and that is extremely annoying. But good groups I've been in have made me more open to the idea of teamwork, and now working in teams isn't so hard anymore. Alone we can't do as much, but working together we can open up a whole new world of opportunities.
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