May 1, 2013

Daily Quote

"Anyone can count the number of seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed."
-Robert H. Schuller
Anyone can count the seeds inside of an apple. That is easy, you just cut it open and count. Only God can look inside each seed and see, if planted, how many apples can be produced. God sees inside of everyone who they are. He can see the future. He can count the apples that the tree will produce in its lifetime. God is all-knowing and very powerful.


  1. I also think that each seed holds unlimited possibility, but only if it is tended and cared for and planted in a good place.

    This can mean so many things.

    As a volunteer with a caring heart, you can have an influence on a seed (which can be a person or an animal in need of help and care) - you can help it grow and flourish by caring and helping and watering the seed (metaphorically, but also sometimes literally by feeding the hungry).

    I recently attended a fund raiser called 'Seeds of Change' for Buckhead Christian Ministries. By supporting this ministry with time and money, it is possible to be a seed of change - another play on the concept of a seed and its path to growth and helping a seed flourish.

    1. Yes, this quote holds more then what can be said. Thank you for adding on and giving tips!
