Aug 31, 2013

Quote of the day

"I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be."
-Ken Venturi
Be the best person that you can be. Instead of constantly trying to be better than everybody else in the world, just try to be you. Being you will get you much farther for a way longer time. Because eventually, those who are trying to be someone else end up making a huge mistake that really slows them down. So just be yourself. Let life guide you as you and nobody else.

And sorry I still haven't posted my previous volunteer project. I did another one today, and I will be trying my hardest to upload my photos and stories and share it with you! Thank you for your patience.

Aug 30, 2013

Quote of the day

Optimistic people enjoy seeing the beauty around them. Optimistic people enjoy seeing the beauty within, too. Pessimistic people look for the bad in the world. One of the few reasons a pessimist would look for flowers- both natural and within- is so they can destroy them through physical violence or angry words. We have all been pessimistic before. Of course we have, we're human. It is only natural to be far from perfect. But try to look for the flowers in a person. They are everywhere if you want to look for them. Just look a little harder, a little deeper, in a little kinder of a way.

Aug 29, 2013

Daily Quote

Friends are an amazing thing to have when you are stressed, angry, upset, lonely, or just need to know someone is there. They are even great when you are happy! They are great any time, any place, no matter what. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, to put your mind at ease. Friends are great! So never ever lose a chance to make them. You can always make them, but without a group/club/class or something of the sorts, it is a little bit more difficult to make them. So find a connection, and don't give up on making friends! Trust me, when you really need them most, it is amazing to have a friend!

And a side note to my amazing readers-
today I served as a volunteer, and when I get to it, I will post all about it.
I am not doing it today because it was tiring work, and it is late, so I will share tomorrow!
I look forward to sharing it with you!

Aug 28, 2013

Daily Quote

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
-Bertrand Russel
If you are doing something you love, it is not wasting time. It is providing you with a content and happy feeling. It is making you feel better than you did before. Whether it be taking a nap or playing games, it is not wasting time. Of course, maybe it is wasting a little bit of time, especially if you have things that need to be done, but it is ok to take a little break.

Aug 27, 2013

Quote of the day

"When you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees."
-Joseph Joubert
In life we all search for success. We just want the best for ourselves and our loved ones. But some people have a little bit too much self confidence, and they think that no matter what they do they will be successful and nothing bad will happen. But this is not true, no matter how good a worker you are. There will always be mistakes and there will always be mishaps. Like the quote says, when you are looking for honey, expect to be stung by bees. Because those bees are always going to be there, whether we like it or not, and we just need to learn to accept them.

Aug 26, 2013

Quote of the day

"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life."
-Omar Khayyam
Enjoy every little detail of your life. Because once this moment is gone, it is gone forever. Smile when you have the chance, life is so short! Live your life to the fullest, and even though we all will have regrets, make sure that they are simple ones. Like try not to have to regret things like never talking to that new kid in school or never cheering that person up after they took a tough fall in their life. Make the moment of another person special, too, because everyone deserves a wonderful life.

Aug 25, 2013

Daily Quote

"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy."
-Anne Frank
When life seems awful, just remember that there is still beauty in the nature in it, so just be happy. It will all turn out to be ok! Just stop. Take a deep breath, and look around at everything around you. Stop to smell the roses, climb a tree, plant a flower, and just enjoy yourself. The earth is a beautiful place!

Aug 24, 2013

Daily Quote

Sometimes, life leads you to where you need to be rather than where you want to go. When something in life goes wrong, ask yourself: is it for the better? And that is really difficult to do immediately, but in the long run, doesn't it always turn out ok? Just think about that next time you are making a decision.

Aug 23, 2013

Quote of the day

"Walking in the dark with a friend is better than walking alone in the light."
-Helen Keller
Friendships are an incredibly important thing to have in life. Without friends in your early years, you might be less open to making friends in your later years, and then you will become less likely to have a relationship with another person and you will be forever alone. Besides, friends are great to help you get through the darkness. As great as walking in the light is, it is better to do it with a friend!

Aug 22, 2013

Quote of the day

"Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it."
-George Halas
Giving your best is something you should always do. But when you don't give your best, you might end up regretting it later. But when you give your best, even if you didn't win/do whatever it was you were doing right, you know that you truly did what was right. You gave it your all and that is what is important. Always give it your all and the results have a better chance of being great!

Aug 21, 2013

Daily Quote

"Dogs never bite me- just humans."
-Marilyn Monroe
I am sure that this quote probably means something else, but the way I see it is that dogs don't bite as often as humans. Humans don't bite literally, but we bite with our words and our actions. We sometimes don't think before we speak, and we say things that are hurtful or wrong. Sometimes we actually mean what we say, but it still hurts another person. We can also bite in our actions. Sometimes we are careless or in a bad mood and we just push someone or hurt someone physically. Again, other times we actually mean it. Humans can get to be very destructive, whether we mean it or not. Either way, we need to learn to control ourselves. Maybe then we can not bite as hard as we used to, or even better, not bite at all. Bites and scratches take a long time to heal. Since we have all been bitten,  you know how that feels. Another great skill is to learn how to let it roll off of your shoulders and those bites might not even cause more than a scrape! This is a great skill that even adults struggle with. I don't know what more to say other than practice not letting it get to you. Don't engage in arguments in the first place. And especially try not to bite.

Aug 20, 2013

Daily Quote

"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation."
-Michael Jordan
Always think of the cup half full. Look at everything with a positive mindset, and you will be surprised! You will be able to turn negative situations into positive ones, and that is a very tough but great skill to have. Positivity is something that will get you many things from friends to possibly a job. Nobody likes a negative person, so don't you be that negative one!

Aug 19, 2013

Quote of the day

"My dear friend, clear your mind of can't."
-Samuel Johnson
Can't, can't, can't. I can't do this- I can't do that! Can't, can't, can't!
Unfortunately I am guilty of this myself. All our lives, we say 'I can't!' But what most people don't realize is that most people end up giving up when they don't know just how close to success they are. And, we need to learn to persevere through the tough times. We need to take off the 't and make it in to can! After all, nothing's impossible. Just take off the im and make it possible!

Aug 18, 2013

Quote of the day

"As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better."
I am not sure that I have enough experience to be able to correctly explain this, but my guess is that it means life has a plan for you. Let life take you where it wants you to go, because sometimes natural life knows what is best. For example, when you thought you were being rejected from that group of people you really wanted to be friends with, you were really being re-directed to a group of friends that actually like you and that you are a much better fit for. Don't worry, because everything will be ok.

Aug 17, 2013

Daily Quote

"No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is."
-Irvin Himmel
This quote can mean what it is saying in many different ways, but the first thing I though of when I saw this quote was that there are people who put others down to make themselves feel better. These people are the people who are self-conscious, and they feel like they need to be better than everyone and superior to everyone. So their solution is to insult and hurt others to they can be all high and mighty over them and those around him. A better solution, of course, would be to just be nice and accept that everyone has their differences. But of course, everyone is special in their own way. So if you have a friend who is struggling with personal issues and is putting people down, I challenge you to help them out. Good luck!

Aug 16, 2013

Daily Quote

"It always seems impossible until it's done."
-Nelson Mandela 
Most things seem like they are impossible until you actually try and see how doable it can actually be. Just give it a try- you might be surprised with your results! Don't be afraid. Just go for it and you might see that there is nothing to be afraid about. Then once it is done, you will see that it wasn't all that bad!

Aug 15, 2013

Quote of the day

Many people think that the people who are rich are the ones with the money and the physical stuff, but really, the richest ones are the people with a beautiful inside. Those who are caring, compassionate, friendly, and kind-hearted are the ones who really have it all in this world. Stop looking for a perfect outside, and take a journey within. You will find that there is more to you than you think.

Aug 14, 2013

Quote of the day

"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"
-Dr. Seuss
The most amazing things humans have made all started as an idea. Someone thought of the idea to make a portable cell phone. Someone thought up the idea of the internet. Amazing things can happen if you really think! Dream! From corner to corner of your mind, think up the most fabulous adventure you possibly can! If you really try, the most amazing things can be thought. So dream up something amazing and really try.

Aug 13, 2013

Daily Quote

When someone is mean to you, most of the time it means that there is something else going on that they are upset about. Remember that next time someone is unkind to you- don't fight back, because they are probably dealing with another issue in their life. Let it roll off of your shoulders, forgive and forget, and remember that everyone you meet is fighting a different or harder battle.

Aug 12, 2013

Daily Quote

"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?"
-Jean-Jaques Rousseau 
Kindness and compassion are two of the most important things there are. No amount of money or wisdom or physical things will ever be better than kindness. Kindness can make the day of even the least fortunate person the best day on earth to them. Lack of kindness can make even the most fortunate person's day miserable. Spread kindness wherever you go, because there is no better gift you can give.

Aug 11, 2013

Quote of the day

When you fail and loose enthusiasm, you have a higher chance of giving up. But you need to go from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. That is how you truly succeed.

Aug 10, 2013

Quote of the day

Everything you do will later reflect in something else later in life. I am not really sure what else to say about that other than be careful, because every little thing you do will in some way affect your life later.

Aug 9, 2013

Daily Quote

"A friend is a gift you give yourself."
-Robert Louis Stevenson
Everybody needs friends. Many people think that they will be just fine with their money and belongings, or that they will be just fine alone. But then they actually be alone, and most regret being alone. In fact, many people on earth go insane when they are not near people for long enough. That is why we all need friends. Friends are caring. They will look out for you when you need them to. They will be there for you in all situations, and they will end your loneliness. Besides, friends are like gifts to yourself, and who doesn't like a good gift? But in order to get a friend, you have to be willing to give yourself to them as well. If you are both each other's, then your friendship will just be stronger!

Aug 8, 2013

Daily Quote

"Anything is good if it's made of chocolate."
-Jo Brand
I just thought that this is just a good little funny quote. But I think it is true, too! I love chocolate! But I guess if you want a lesson or a meaningful explanation, here is one. Just remember that as good as chocolate is, what truly matters are the things like love, compassion, friendship, and all of that. What is in your heart is what is the most important. More important than all of the chocolate in the world, more precious than gold.

Aug 7, 2013

Quote of the day

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
-Soren Kierkegaard 
The only way to understand life is by living it. And the majority of your life was lived in the past. Even though we know all about our lives based on the past, we must live it forwards. We need to take that knowledge of the past and convert it into a better future. But the fact that we live life forwards is good. That means we don't have to relive our mistakes. Just push forwards and start fresh each and every day. Remember, it is what you make of it!

Aug 6, 2013

Quote of the day

"When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself."
Being thankful is incredibly important. If you aren't thankful for your good fortune, you will likely take it for granted. Even if you don't realize that you are doing that. I once heard a story about two girls who were painting paintings one day in their lovely house. The story goes on and they accidentally get permanent paint on the floor, and they are given a second chance to do better the next time. But, not listening to the asking to not do it again, they get paint on the floor again. This time, there were consequences. After hearing this story, I feel like the one of the morals of the story is that if you aren't as grateful for something as you should be, you might treat it like it is not worth anything. But if you are thankful for whoever worked so hard to earn enough to buy whatever it is, you might just treat that thing better. The other moral is listen to what people tell you, they just might be right!

Aug 5, 2013

Daily Quote

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
-Robert Frost
Everyone makes mistakes. We just all need to realize that life does go on after we make those mistakes. It's not the end of the world when you tell a lie or break your mom's special vase (which, by the way, for both of these, I hope you don't do them). Life goes on. Don't worry about what you did in the past, it can only help you for the future. Of course, you should still be careful with what you do but when things don't turn out as well as you might want them to, know that it will all be ok.

Aug 4, 2013

Daily Quote

"The tongue is like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood."
Be careful what you say, because words can hurt you. The old saying 'sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me' is really not true. Words can sting. The worst possible things can come out of the mouth, so be careful with what you say.

Aug 3, 2013

Quote of the day

Sometimes in life we need to just take a breath and cool it. We all have problems, but when these problems get too out of hand, a few little changes might need to be made. For example, if someone had anger issues not to the point of being extreme anger management issues but more of simply a negative mindset, they might need to take a breath and calm down. Sometimes, if they try hard enough, they can inwardly change themselves to be happier and more positive. Then, they will find many things in life that are way different because of that change. Maybe people will realize they are nicer and be nicer to them. Maybe they will gain respect from others around them. The positive possibilities are almost endless. Achieving inwardly peace can really change outer reality!

Today when I was looking for a quote, I saw this and I thought that this is cool. It is a picture with the quote already on it, so I thought I might just use these sometimes. Especially when it is late and I need to get to bed (like tonight). 

Aug 2, 2013

Quote of the day

"Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do."
-Benjamin Spock
Never doubt yourself. As Winnie the Pooh once said, 'you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.' It is true, though. You can do more than you believe you can if you just persevere!

Aug 1, 2013

Daily Quote

"Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies."
-John Donne
When someone finds love in someone else because of the way they look, their relationship is not likely to last. Beauty doesn't last forever. Beauty fades. But true beauty on the inside, that is something that can never be take away. Look more for what is on the inside than what is on the outside. You will find that not judging a book by its cover will show you the true beauty inside!