Dec 12, 2013

Quote of the day

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go."
-Hermann Hesse 
This is a really good quote. It is true, too. sometimes you just have to let go... there are other types of strength other than muscle strength. One of the most important things to be strong at doing is letting things go. Let those mean comments or insults just roll off of your shoulders. Don't get me wrong, it is incredibly difficult. It is a skill that even many adults haven't yet discovered. Engaging in the fight can only make it worse. Letting it go will make it disappear... Usually. The person picking on you will usually try to keep getting at you to try to make you mad, but don't let them! They can keep trying all they want but they should never succeed! Eventually, it will bother them that you aren't affected by their hurricane of doom, and they will finally move on. Let go, let it roll off of your shoulders.


  1. I love this one. Did you know that the Greek translation of “forgiveness” is actually “to let go?” Most people don’t realize this, but to forgive someone is to let go of the anger you feel toward them. Forgiveness isn’t about letting someone off the hook, but letting the anger and bitterness inside of you go.
