The legend of Androcles and the lion has undergone several modifications through ages. It was adopted by Aesop in his famous fable where Androcles is portrayed as a fugitive slave who ran away from his cruel master and befriended a wounded lion which later refused to harm him. In his famous play, 'Androcles and the Lion' (1912) , George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950) presents Androcles as a compassionate Christian tailor who was saved in the Roman amphitheatre by the lion he once nursed. In one version of the story, it was the rule and custom of a country that any slave who ran away from his master was to be captured and thrown into an arena before a hungry lion. The king's army would arrest such slaves and bring the culprits before the king for trial and judgment. Thousands of people used to gather around the arena to enjoy the public massacre. Fierce lions were captured from the forest by the hunters appointed by the king and kept in strong cages in the palace. They were starved before being let loose in the fenced arena into which the helpless slaves were thrown down mercilessly amidst the applause of thousands in the gallery around the arena. Androcles was a poor slave who suffered heavily under a cruel master. He escaped into a dense forest and sought refuge in a cave. He was chased by the king's armed guards who searched the forest thoroughly to find him. A wild lion with a large thorn stuck in its right paw entered the cave, limping on three legs and crying in great pain. He raised the swollen paw and showed it to Androcles who examined it with great care and compassion. He carefully removed the thorn and applied the fresh juice of medicinal herbs to alleviate the pain and cure the wound. The lion felt relieved and licked the hands of Androcles as a mark of gratitude and love. He wagged his tail like a tame dog and left the cave thankfully. A few days later, the king's men traced Androcles and captured him. He was produced before the king. As Androcles was proved to have run away from his master, the king ordered that he shall be thrown to be eaten by a wild lion in the arena the next day. Thousands arrived to witness the cruel murder. The king and the queen was seated in a special box. Androcles was brought to the arena . He knelt down and prayed to God fervently. A hungry lion was brought in a cage in a carriage. Its heavy grating was opened and the lion was let free to attack the helpless Androcles. The hungry lion jumped from the cage into the arena, roaring fiercely, ready to pounce upon his prey. But, quite unexpectedly the lion became tame as he approached Androcles. He wagged his tail and licked Androcles with great affection. The lion recognized Androcles as the person who removed the thorn from his painful paw and affectionately nursed him before the lion was caught from the forest and was taken into the custody of the king's troops. Everyone was struck with wonder. The king learned from Androcles the story of his encounter with the lion and praised his kindness. The king was deeply impressed by the compassionate behaviour of Androcles which enabled him to show mercy and love even to animals. The king stopped the practice of killing the slaves who ran away from their masters. Androcles was freed from slavery and was granted full freedom. Androcles was appointed as an important officer in the king's palace but he thankfully declined the offer and devoted his life to care for the poor, the sick and the illiterate people of his country. Jesus Christ taught, "Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them!"
I won't have access to a computer for a week or so, but I will try to catch up on posts when I get my computer back. See you soon, I hope your holidays were full of joy and compassion and mercy!
Dec 26, 2013
Dec 25, 2013
Daily Quote

Christmas is the time when Jesus was born into the world, giving the world the gift of the word of the Lord and later, forgiveness of all sins of all of mankind. We celebrate this holiday by giving to others. But really, any type of giving is Christmas. Anything that gives back to the world and community is Christmas. So every time we love others and give, it is Christmas.
Many people love Christmastime because it is a time of giving and joy and happiness. If you like it so much, then you should give always! It not only makes others happy, but it makes you the happiest of all! And don't forget-- if you are on the receiving end of the gift, show gratefulness. Many people are less fortunate to be receiving such a gift. Not only that, though, but the giver will be happy just seeing you happy!
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all!
Dec 24, 2013
Quote of the day
"If you haven't got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble."
-Bob Hope
To be grateful and kind, you must have charity in your heart. To help yourself, you must first be able to help others. It is really quite simple. Just give back to the world around you, and the world will give back to you. Without doing your share of helping those in need, your heart will have a terrible disease... selfishness. Greed, hate, nastiness. Even if you are the nicest person ever, your heart is still full of the worst kind of heart trouble. Those who do their share of service to God's children and all of God's creations tend to be the nicest, most respectable people.
Dec 23, 2013
Quote of the day
The more complicated and elaborate our system of communication is, the less we end up communicating. Face to face, that is, anyway. See, back in the old days, they had to communicate face to face. They had to take horses and travel long distances to deliver letters or messages by mouth directly. Later on, they had telegrams. People who couldn't afford them would still travel and speak mouth to mouth, but less people than before the telegram. Later, early phone systems came out. Those who had a phone got to use that for communication, others used telegrams, and fewer spoke directly! Even later, computers came out and email became a possibility (not at the same time as computers were released, but later of course), and you get the point: less people used all of the other systems and less people spoke direct. As life went on, more was invented: high speed internet and email and cell phones and smartphone cell phones and tablets and Skype and FaceTime and all sorts of amazing communication devices! Unfortunately, less people communicate face to face! It is hurting our ability to communicate. So I encourage all of you to speak directly when you can... If you can.
Dec 22, 2013
Daily Quote
"Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store."
-Dr. Seuss
Christmas doesn't come from a store. It never will. It comes from the heart. The true story of Christmas is when Jesus was born, with all of those alleluias and all of that star of wonder and such. Jesus came for us so that he could die for us, and in the spirit of his birthday, we celebrate with joy and the gift of giving. Bring joy into someone's life this Christmas and holiday season, give back by giving the gift of joy and mirth. It's the most wonderful time of the year! Everyone is so much happier, so much friendlier, so much more willing to give. Put aside the 'stuff' and try to find the joy of Christmas that you will not find in the store.
Dec 21, 2013
Daily Quote
To be great, you can't stand above them. By that, I mean you cannot be somewhat of a dictator above everyone, but you need to rule with them. Listen to their ideas. Use their ideas. Don't act superior to them, be one of them. Don't be some sort of ruling authority, just be with them and do things with them and act as if you are simply one of them. You can become truly great when you aren't trying to be all high and mighty.
Dec 20, 2013
Quote of the day
"Nobody is perfect, and I am a perfect example."
This quote speaks the truth, but in a fun way. It says that nobody is perfect. That is so true, everyone is unique and different in their own special ways. I am a perfect example of imperfection. Everyone has flaws, everyone makes mistakes, everyone does things that get on some people's nerves. Nobody is perfect. We just have to accept the fact that as humans it is impossible to be perfect. We can still try our hardest and do our best, but we will never be perfect.
The reason this quote says the truth in a fun way is because the quote then turns around and talks about how the author of the quote is perfect-- at not being perfect!
Quote credits to my grandmother who found this quote for me! :)
Dec 19, 2013
Story of the day
A king had three daughters. He wanted to test their love for him. He called them and asked them, "Tell me how much do you love me." The eldest daughter said, "Father, I love you like jewelry." The king was very pleased with her as he was very fond of gold and jewels and had a large collection of exquisite jewelry in his palace. The second daughter said, "Father, I love you like the best wine!" The king was happy to hear this as he was addicted to wines and other alcoholic drinks. Then the youngest daughter replied, "Dear Father, I love you like salt." The king became furious on hearing this reply. Angrily, he shouted, "What do you mean, you mean creature? Salt is a useless, cheap and ordinary object which you can find even in the poor slums of my kingdom. I know you don't love me. I don't want to see you again. Go away." But the youngest daughter met the palace chef and requested him to avoid salt in all the dishes to be served during the royal feast on the next day. The old chef had a special affection to the youngest princess as she was simple, humble and innocent. He agreed to do as she wished. During the feast, the king tasted his favorite dishes and cried aloud, "What is this? It has no taste at all!" He summoned the chef and questioned him. The wise chef answered, "Oh, Sir, I was afraid to include salt in the royal dishes because yesterday you declared in the court that salt was a useless and ordinary article. I avoided it ." The king learned a lesson. He realized the importance of salt and asked the youngest daughter to forgive him for his harsh remarks and rash behavior He understood the extent of her love towards him and embraced her. Salt is important and indispensable for mankind in many different ways:1. Salt enhances the taste and flavor of food and makes it pleasant and palatable. Without salt, many foods become insipid. Its deficiency in food is felt easily.2.Salt preserves food and prevents putrefaction.3.Salt dissolves in water and mixes fully with food. It apparently disappears by dissolution or disintegration. Lumps of salt in food may cause objectionable taste.4. It remains as an invisible presence in the dishes. Other spices like chilly and turmeric give conspicuous color which makes their presence visible. Jesus Christ advised his followers to be the 'salt of the earth'. By this he wished that they should mingle freely with others and add flavor to the life of every one to promote peace, fellowship, joy and harmony in society by their silent and sincere service. By their humble and unpretentious actions they have a major role in preserving the integrity, values and moral principles of society. They should be deeply concerned with the well-being of all and serve as the 'salt of society'.
Dec 18, 2013
Daily Quote
"I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I'm human, not perfect, like anybody else."
-Queen Latifah
Look back on your failures as learning experiences. Nobody is perfect, everyone is human. You just need to take your bad experiences and turn them into learning experiences. Then take those learning experiences and do better next time.
Dec 17, 2013
Daily Quote
"Life is an adventure in forgiveness."
-Norman Cousins
Something we all must learn to do is forgive. Instead of being Odysseus style (which is glory [doing anything for glory, no matter how bad it is- even killing people], revenge [when something does something that is shameful to you, you get revenge on them. And by that, it could be their own deaths], and shame [which is as it sounds; if you do something that brings me shame or I do something shameful, that is my equivalent of bad]), we should be Jesus style. Jesus style is centered more around forgiveness. Of course, modern day Odysseus style wouldn't be as deadly, but it would be more of mean gossip and bullying. In life we should all strive to be more Jesus style. It is the best thing we can do.
Dec 16, 2013
Story of the day
The 'pearl oyster' is a marine bivalve mollusk of the family 'Pteriidae'. It has a natural procedure to protect itself from foreign substances. Occasionally, by an accident, a foreign particle such as a grain of sand or a parasite may gain entry into the inner body of the oyster between the mantle and the shell causing great discomfort, irritation and possibly, pain to the oyster.
'Nacre' is the mineral substance secreted by the mantle of the oyster to fashion the shell. As the oyster is unable to expel the intruding foreign body, it initiates a natural defensive reaction. The mantle secretes 'nacre', the smooth, hard, crystalline mineral, layer upon layer around the irritant intruder to coat it and cover it completely. In course of time, the covered irritant becomes a beautiful, silky, lovely and lustrous gem called a pearl. It has a shimmering iridescence and a special inner glow not found in other types of gems.
The coating of nacre consists of microscopic crystals of calcium carbonate, aligned perfectly with one another so that light transmitted along the axis of one crystal is reflected and refracted by another to display a spectacular spectrum of light and colour.
A similar situation may arise in our life frequently. Our mind may be hurt and wounded by adverse conditions and the unkind behaviour and harsh words of others. When we are ignored, rejected, misunderstood or ill-treated by prejudice or hatred, our mind gets wounded.
By trusting in the infinite love of God, we can let Him cover our wounds and sorrows by several layers of His healing love. Like the pearl made in the oyster from the healing wound, we too can develop precious pearls of peace, strength and sanctity in our mind and soul by the soothing and sanctifying grace of God. It is said that adversity is the best university to perfect our personality.
We must accept the sufferings and pain of life with the spirit of sacrifice. In life, troubles, suffering and failures may fall on us. Let us not worry about them or feel helpless or hopeless. We should not let the troubles defeat us or bury us. Let us use every failure as a stepping-stone and not as a stumbling-block.
Our life is like a boat, sailing through the sea of the world. We may be threatened by the tempests of troubles, tribulations and temptations. But we can sail safely if our faith is strong. God has control over the forces of nature. He may give us tests and trials so that we may grow further and stronger, but he never abandons us during hard times. God is with us in our joys and tears throughout our life.
God has plans to bring to us prosperity and not disaster.
Dec 15, 2013
Quote of the day
"I start a picture and I finish it."
-Jean-Michel Basquiat
Once you start something, you should always pull through. Go through with it. Don't give up! Many people give up... not realizing how close they are to success! Besides, the rewards when you finish something are great. They can range from earning actual money or actual stuff to the feeling of self-accomplishment. Besides, when you only complete things partially, the incomplete things pile up and you begin to feel worse and worse. Complete it all now- pull through with your actions. Once you start something, only you can finish it.
Dec 14, 2013
Daily Quote
Be yourself. Even if you know that if you were yourself, everyone would shun you to the end of eternity. Of course, no one would do that. In fact, it is really nice when people are their true selves. It is quite frustrating, though, when you see someone you've known your whole life... Except that it's not them anymore. They are being someone they are not just because they want to be like everyone else. Be unique! Who wants to be like everyone else, anyway? I dare you- be yourself. It may be frightening, it may be strange. Your real you could be frightening or strange, too. Just be yourself..
I know that's what I want to see in someone. Chances are, others want that too.
I know that's what I want to see in someone. Chances are, others want that too.
This is an incredibly important lesson that even many adults still haven't figured out.
Trust me. Be yourself.
Dec 13, 2013
Daily Quote
Everyone is talented in their own ways. Everyone brings a different flavor to the table, and everyone is unique. Listen to what they have to say, it is important just because it is them who said it. There is only one of them- so treasure each word. Same for everyone! Everyone is so unique, a beautiful creation of God. There are no two alike- not even the most identical of twins! Therefore, each word anyone says is special. So give everyone a chance. Realize their talents, originality, and listen to their important things that they say. No matter if you think it is important or not.
Dec 12, 2013
Quote of the day
"Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go."
-Hermann Hesse
This is a really good quote. It is true, too. sometimes you just have to let go... there are other types of strength other than muscle strength. One of the most important things to be strong at doing is letting things go. Let those mean comments or insults just roll off of your shoulders. Don't get me wrong, it is incredibly difficult. It is a skill that even many adults haven't yet discovered. Engaging in the fight can only make it worse. Letting it go will make it disappear... Usually. The person picking on you will usually try to keep getting at you to try to make you mad, but don't let them! They can keep trying all they want but they should never succeed! Eventually, it will bother them that you aren't affected by their hurricane of doom, and they will finally move on. Let go, let it roll off of your shoulders.
Dec 11, 2013
Quote of the day
"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential."
-Winston Churchill
Keep on trying. You will never know how much potential you have until you give it a go! Of course, you will never get it 100% perfectly the first try if you've never done it before. You need to put in continuous effort. Keep trying, and eventually your potential will unlock itself. That unlocked potential will run loose and become skill. Once you have that skill, it is yours for the keeping, but you still must work to maintain it. None of your skills would be possible without trying hard to succeed! Keep trying! Your potential will step into the light and become kinetic!
Dec 10, 2013
Daily Quote
"There are more people who wish to be loved than there are who are willing to love."
-Nicolas Chamfort
Everyone wants to be loved. The feeling when you realize someone doesn't like you is not a good one. Everyone wants to feel the love of others, everyone wants to be appreciated. But not all of them are willing to love back! Some just want all of the love but couldn't care less about the person themselves. For example, if a girl plays hard-to-get but doesn't actually like the person, yet she persists on playing hard to get as if the person could have a chance at her eventually, she probably just likes the feeling of being loved. Even if she absolutely couldn't love that person if the world was ending! That is unfortunate, though. Everyone deserves to be loved, and everyone should love everyone else - even if it is so deep in their hearts that they barely know it is there - because that is what God wants us to do. Love your neighbors as yourself, that is unless you hate yourself. Which you should learn to stop doing and get some help before you hurt yourself. But in conclusion, if everyone loved everyone else, the world would be such a happier place. Unfortunately though, this is the real world and we just have to accept it. That doesn't mean you can't try, though; get out there and smile at someone. but more importantly, get them to smile back. :)
Dec 9, 2013
Daily Quote
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."
-E. E. Cummings
Being yourself is really hard, take my word for it. Especially when you are younger... There are so many other influences you have to balance out. The positive and negative influences from your teachers and elders/adults, the positive and negative influences from your peers. There are so many people who want you to be one thing, while others want you to be another. You just have to let your true self shine through. And keep a good habit of it. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
Dec 8, 2013
Story of the day
This is a great twist on the story of the wise crow!
The summer was very hot. Water was scarce. A thirsty crow searched for water everywhere. At last she found a small amount of water in a tall pot made of clay. She could not reach the water to drink. She was worried. Then she remembered the story of the wise crow that gathered small pebbles and dropped them patiently into the water in a pot. This raised the water level and then he could drink it easily. But this crow was very lazy to collect a lot of small pebbles. She did not have the patience to follow the wise crow. So she lifted a large piece of rock with great effort and dropped it into the pot. The pot broke with a loud noise. All the water was lost. The lazy crow remained thirsty and flew away in shame.
When someone is seen to carry a very heavy load instead of carrying it repeatedly as smaller loads safely and more effortlessly, just because he is lazy to make more journeys, he is said to carry a foolishly heavy load or a 'lazy man's load'. There is a popular proverb in Malayalam, "Madiyan mala chumakkum" meaning that a lazy man carries a mountain!
In the story the crow was lazy to collect a large number of smaller stones and so dropped a large one with a great effort and that broke the pot. We must remember the wise words, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop!”
Dec 7, 2013
Quote of the day
Dec 6, 2013
Daily Quote
"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking."
-Agnes de Mille
If you are like me, you won't want to dance. You will claim you can't. For the majority of my life, that was my mindset. I can't dance. I will never be able to dance. But my friends showed me how- it's really not hard. In fact, there is no method to it. When your friends are doing it, just get in a group, and basically jump around to the beat of the music. It's actually quite fun, it makes you feel like something much more than what you are. And it's all yours. You control the dance, you can take that amazing feeling. Dance until your feet won't allow it any more! Experience it for yourself!
I just got back from a dance, in fact! I started out not wanting to do it at all, I stood in the corner. But my friends showed me the way, and by the end, I was dancing more than even they were! I was the one getting them to dance! Let yourself go, it can be worth something! Trust me.
Dec 5, 2013
Daily Story
A boy was flying a colorful kite in an open space on a windy day. By careful and skillful manipulation of the string attached to the kite, he could raise it from the ground. Strong winds raised the kite to greater heights. The boy was glad to see his kite soar up into the sky. His friends watched his work with wonder. A small bird was attracted by the kite’s swift movements. The bird challenged the kite for a race to reach still greater heights. The kite silently followed the bird but became almost stationary at a stable height. The bird flew back to investigate the cause of the kite’s unexpected halt. The bird was surprised to see that the kite was being pulled by a boy towards him using the string fastened to the kite. As the bird was not aware of the kite’s mechanism of ascent and stability, he assumed that it was caught in a trap and that the boy was trying to capture it. The silly bird decided to rescue the kite from its plight and snapped the string by a sharp bite with his sleek beak and set it fully free. But the kite lost its balance, control and stability. Descending haphazardly following the wind and gravity, it landed on a tall tree. The bird was surprised to see the kite entangled in the branches of the tree and cried aloud, inviting it to resume the race. Seeing no response, the bird left the scene, wondering about the fate of the kite. The pull on the string is the driving force behind the kite’s ascent and stability. But to an ignorant person, the string may appear to hamper the progress of the kite. Adverse conditions in life have a similar role in shaping our personality and destiny. It is said that adversity is the best university for our education and training. Our life is stabilized by the pull of several strings. The teachings of our religion and Holy Scriptures, the whisper of our conscience to follow the righteous path, the instructions of our parents, teachers and other well-wishers and the rules of the state and society are the strings holding us in a stable state physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Let us learn that these are not bonds restricting our freedom or hindrances to our progress. They are essential for our smooth and sustained progress to perfection and sanctity. Freedom is not the right to do as we please, but the liberty to do what we ought to do. Rules are framed to make our freedom full and fair. Voluntary sacrifice of personal rights is the basis of peaceful social life. There is no liberty without limitations; no freedom without responsibility. Commandments of God and the laws of our Nation do not curtail our freedom; they make our liberty a reality. Cicero said, “We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free.”
Dec 4, 2013
Quote of the day
"When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things."
-Joe Namath
Go into things with confidence. Be strong, and you can have fun. And when you are doing things for fun and not as if you are being harshly graded, then you can do amazing things. It's just like taking a test or going into an audition for something. You are going to be nervous. Sometimes, you get so nervous you don't do as great on your test/audition. But going into it with confidence- that's something different. If you have enough confidence, your test can be fun. I mean, you know the answers, right? Yes! You do! Because you are confident that you do! And your audition can be fun too. Treat it as if you are just practicing at home. Have confidence, it will all be ok! And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. Getting the role from your audition or making it into whatever you are auditioning for, or getting a good grade on your test. Have confidence, have fun, do amazing things!
Dec 3, 2013
Quote of the day
Make friends early. You will need them later, for support. Emotionally, physically, mentally... You get the point. Make your friends before you need them, build their trust. Build the friendship, strengthen it to the point where it is virtually indestructible. Unfortunately, childhood friendships tend to come to an end when everyone goes their separate ways- off to collage. But while you still have them, make friends so that when you really need them, they will be there. For example, if you need a friend to take you to the nurse because you fell and your ankle is twisted in a way it shouldn't be, you will have one. If you forgot your textbook and aren't able to do your homework, they will be there to send pictures of the textbook pages. If you go through your first heartbreak or your thousandth, they will be there to offer a shoulder to cry on. Friends are amazing. They are such a gift from God, and for that I am thankful.
Dec 2, 2013
Daily Quote
"Great effort springs naturally from great attitude."
-Pat Riley
-Pat Riley
When you have a good attitude about something, you will likely put more effort into it. For example, if your job is one you are not very enthusiastic about, you may not have the best attitude. You also may not put forth your best effort. If you absolutely love your job, on the other hand, then you will likely have a much much better attitude. You will naturally put much more effort into your work. Even if you don't like your job, have a good attitude. More will get done, and quicker.
Dec 1, 2013
Daily Quote
"You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars."
Gary Allan
People will always be jealous. We just want more. You can be the king or queen of the world, and you would still be jealous of your people. If you don't have what someone else has, likely that you will be jealous. After all, jealousy is all the fun you think that they had.
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